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Why People Fail

Phaneendra Brahmadevara

September 29, 2020

Video Blogger

In today's world, a remarkable number of people fail to accomplish things in life.

After years of research, analysis from studying thousands of men and women, the researches were able to prove the major reasons for failure. Whether you are looking to be successful in your personal or professional life, this page will cover the top 13 reasons you need to know.

In the coming weeks, I will write in detail about every reason and my learnings on how to avoid

Lack of Purpose in Life

98% of people don’t have a purpose or a definitive goal in life. This is one of the major problems for failure.

Limitless Desire for "Something for Nothing"

Gambling mindsets will drive millions of people to failure. There is a lot of evidence from studies like dot-com-bubble, the rise of cryptocurrencies scam.

Lacking Education

The beauty of education is it is a positive-sum game. Anybody who is educated can get whatever they want without infringing on the rights of others. Experiences are proven to be the best education over a university degree. People are not paid for what they know, but more precisely for what they do with what they know.

Lack of Self Discipline

Self-control. If you can self-control all negative qualities, you are disciplined. Before you try to control things in your life, you must first control yourself. This is one of the toughest jobs to achieve.

P.S. If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self

Lack of Persistence

Most of us are good “starters” but poor “finishers”. People tend to give up upon their first confrontation with a challenge. There are many moments where things go south on you and you feel this is the end of it. But, if you solve that problem, then another one and another one, you will reach your goal.


This is one of the most common reasons for failure. A lot of people wait for the “right” moment to start something. There is no such thing called "right time". Start with whatever you have and where ever you stand and things will fall into place eventually.

Negative thinking

Generally, Negative thinking will repel people away from you. There is no hope for success without the cooperative efforts of other people. If you want to succeed in life, you need to have a positive one. Positivity attracts people towards you and will help succeed with collaboration.

No Risk Taking

Life is filled with the element of chance. People who do not take risks end up taking what is left when other’s have finished choosing. Risk is directly proportional to reward. It is a good idea to take some calculated risks.

Lack of Focus on One Thing

People spend too much time on too many things. Focusing all your energy into one single goal, the purpose will improve your success rate.


Intolerance means that one has stopping acquiring knowledge. People who continuously learn get ahead in their life. Most of the damage comes from intolerance connected to religious, racial, and political differences of opinion.

Egotism and Vanity

These are significant red flags in life. These will deflect people away from you. A definitive way to fail.

Inability to Collaborate with Others

It is this fault that no business executive or leader will tolerate. Many people lose positions because of this fault.

Superstition & Prejudice

Superstition establishes a closed mind with fear breaded into it. It creates ignorance and does not give you the ability to be open-minded. Don’t be afraid to question things you are curious about.

Notions and References

  • Napoleon Hil
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